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The United Church of Canada needs your best photos! They always need high-quality colour images of all kinds of subjects—United Churches, liturgical symbols, nature, and landscapes—for their annual, saleable bulletin covers and church calendar. From their website:

  • Christian life: We especially need images related to special Sundays and seasons such as Lent, Easter, Palm Sunday, Indigenous Day of Prayer, and Remembrance Day, plus crosses, communion elements, symbols of baptism such as water being poured, and so on. For Lent, landscapes that convey "journey"—photos that include a path, road, river, etc.—work well.
  • People: Try for images that are universal and reflect diversity: hands breaking bread, praying, or lighting a candle; a person walking in the distance; a crowded sanctuary on Christmas Eve, and so on. Remember: If someone's face is clearly visible, you must get a signed release from them.

We print a photographer credit on all bulletins and offer a $100 honorarium for each photo chosen.

Pleae click on the PDF attachment below for entry details.